ENAI annual fee for insititutions


Any legal entity involved in educational activities (regardless of geographic location) can become an institutional member of ENAI. The institutional membership fee is 350 EUR per year (since July 2023). Feel free first to find out more about the membership benefits or application process on the page on ENAI membership. You can also read more about who we are and how ENAI works on the page on ENAI governance.

Please check the application process firts.

Availability Available
Product code 49
Category ENAI fees

Application Process

  1. Applicant submits an application for an institutional member or for an individual supporter.
  2. The application is sent to the Board who reviews it and alternatively approves it (this process usually takes several days only).
  3. ENAI office notifies the applicant, sends the instructions for payment.
  4. When the membership fee is payed, the applicant becomes a member/supporter. ENAI administrator provides them an access to the members’ section and invites them to ENAI Discord.
  5. All members are announced in the list of members, individual supporters after their agreement.

In case of any questions regarding the process or processing your application, please contact us at info@academicintegrity.eu.